When Shelley Appleton asked me about doing an episode for our podcast, Canter Therapy, about my medium sized red pony Roger I wasn’t sure we would have enough to talk. Once we got talking though I realised that he really has brought together so many aspects of horsemanship and my life.
In this weeks episode we discuss Roger and tell the many stories surrounding him. He’s been anything but easy, suffering from Australian stringhalt not long after I got him, followed by finding that he had some dental issues to manage and more recently working through some soundness issues.
In the beginning with Roger there were two major problems. Firstly, he was struggling physically which meant that he had negative associations with being ridden , and as such had learnt evasions to do his best to get out of it. Secondly, he had me trying to ride him and he had freaked me out so much, that I was just sitting up there as a passenger and not really telling him where to go which just confirmed for him that was world was scary.
Listen to the episode 31 of Canter Therapy to hear how one horse can take you on a wild adventure of personal development